The salesmen work on commission only 销售人员只根据销售量提取佣金。
Door-to-door salesmen usually have a low basic wage and earn most of their money on commission. 推销员的基本薪资很低,他们挣的大部分钱来自佣金。
For example, if advisers work on commission, ask for their firm's commission schedule and find out if there are a limited number of products or services they can recommend and why. 举例说,如果顾问是按佣金收费的,那么你就该问问他们公司的佣金收费表,看看他们是否只有数目有限的产品或服务可以推荐,询问其中的原因。
As you know, we import on commission basis. 你知道,我们是依照佣金为基础进口的。
Throughout the ages, many great artists, including Michelangelo, created art on commission. 历史上许多艺术家,包括米开朗基罗,都是在别人的委托下进行艺术创作的。
The job was selling encyclopedias on commission only. 这个工作是销售大百科全书赚取佣金。
Many salespeople work on commission, meaning you never know exactly when your next paycheck is coming. 很多销售人员是靠佣金生活的,这也意味着他们不知道下一笔付款什么时候会到。
I worked in the department store based on commission in college. 上大学时,我曾在一家百货商店以抽取佣金的方式工作过。
Currently, the bank's main agency services for stock trading include banking-securities transfer service and stock trading settlement service on commission. 目前银行代理股票交易业务主要有:提供银证转账服务和代理股票交易委托服务。
We can do processing against buyer's raw material or assemble of goods on commission. 我们可以承接来料加工或收佣组装。
As commission agents we do business on commission basis. 作为佣金代理商,我们是以佣金为基础做生意的。
I would like to perform as your exclusive agent in India on commission basis. 我想履行您在印度的独家代理佣金的基础。
We can make to order or carry out processing according to the drawings or samples, or design moulds or modify products on commission. 可来图来样订制加工或委托进行模具设计和产品修改;
The company sells boats on commission. 这家公司委托售船。
Writing on commission patent application documents and handling re-examination and other related affairs; 代写专利申请文件,办理专利申请;请求实质审查或者复审的有关事务;
When the Buttonwood Agreement that laid the foundations of the New York Stock Exchange was signed in 1817, it had just two provisions: that brokers dealt only with each other and that no one undercut the others on commission. 梧桐树协议(buttonwoodagreement)奠定了纽约证交所(newyorkstockexchange)的基础,这项协议于1817年签署时仅有两项条款:经纪人只与经纪人打交道,不能降低佣金来抢别人的生意。
It's better for us to start business on commission basis first. 对我们来说,最好能在给佣金的基本上开展买卖营业。
Agreement on commission to preserve national monuments; 设立保护国家名胜古迹委员会的协定;
We worked mainly on commission and I was able to earn a substantial amount although I was very young. 虽然我仍年青,但自感有能力赚取大量利润。
She is working for us on commission, ie is not paid a salary. 她按挣回扣方式为我们工作(没有薪水)。
Builds and sells on commission cross-domain communication ( point) in the inherent agreement regulation regions of three months at the sun that the agreement goes into effect. 在协议生效之日的三个月内在协议规定区域建立经销网络(点)。
He sells motorcars on commission. 他以抽取佣金的方式销售汽车。
Has since always been indebted each place sells on commission the business and consumer's support and the deep affection, company's service progresses day by day. 一直以来,承蒙各地经销商及消费者的支持和厚爱,公司的业务蒸蒸日上。那家公司承办搬运业务。
Most salesmen nowadays have gotten used to working on commission. 如今绝大部分业务员都习惯了按提成工作。
He reps for two firm on commission. 他是收两家公司佣金的销售代表。
The main proxy sells on commission the world famous brand powercomponent. 主要代理经销世界著名品牌功率器件。
That means that the car salesmen are earning less, because they work on commission. 这意味着销售人员将赚得更少,因为他们工作收入来自是佣金。
In this job you work on commission. 你做这份工作按销售额提成。
We are seeking a reliable representative who would undertake to buy for us on commission. 我们欲觅一可靠代理人,为我方采购,可拿佣金。
This information may be required; for example, when salespeople are working on commission. 例如,销售人员在管理佣金时可能需要该信息。